Our village public works department provides a modern, dependable water system. Cridersville's Water Treatment Plant is a modern Class I Ground Water Treatment facility that is capable of producing 500,000 gallons of potable water daily. On an average day, current production is around 210,000 gallons per day. The original water plant went on line in the early 1950s and has been upgraded several times through the years with the most recent improvements taking place in 2004.
Water is pumped from 4 wells into a forced draft up flow aerator, which removes unwanted gases such as hydrogen sulfide and is the first step in removal of iron from the water. The water then enters a reaction basin where Chlorine is added to disinfect the water. Chlorine is also the second step in the removal of iron. Water is then pumped from the reaction basin through 6 iron pressure filters. This filter is the final step in the removal of iron that is present in the water.
What We Offer
The water then enters the distribution system, which has several miles of 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 inch water mains. 2 water towers, holding a combined 575,000 gallons of water, maintain a constant pressure on the system. Water quality tests, from chlorine residuals to arsenic and volatile organic compounds, are conducted to insure that the water is safe for consumers.
Water Saving Tips
Clothes Washer: Replacing your old clothes washer with a new high-efficiency model can save lots of water. Clothes washing is typically the second largest user of water indoors after toilet flushing.
High-efficiency clothes washers reduced the average volume per load by 40% overall. Hot water use was reduced by 63% and per capita use was reduced by 38%.
Landscaping: Attractive gardens and landscape add to the value of your home and bring years of beauty and enjoyment. With a water efficient design you'll be able to curb plant disease, minimize the use of chemical fertilizers, and save water, money, and labor time.
Upgrade the look of your landscape by learning the how-to's of proper lawn care, irrigation system maintenance and low water use gardens.
Click Here for 100 ways to conserve water »
Protecting our Public Water System
2023 Water Confidence Report
2022 Water Confidence Report
2021 Water Confidence Report
2020 Water Confidence Report
2019 Water Confidence Report
2018 Water Confidence Report
2017 Water Confidence Report
2016 Water Confidence Report
2015 Water Confidence Report
2014 Water Confidence Report
2013 Water Confidence Report
2012 Water Confidence Report
2011 Water Confidence Report
OEPA Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control
Water & Sewer Rates
Water & Sewer Tap Fee Schedule and Regulations Policy