Court System
Mayors Court:
A mayor of a municipal corporation that has a mayors court may appoint a person as mayors court magistrate to hear and determine prosecutions as set forth in section 1905.01 of the Revised Code.
A person appointed as a mayors court magistrate under this division is entitled to hear and determine prosecutions and criminal causes in the mayors court that are within the jurisdiction of the mayors court, as set forth in section 1905.01 of the Revised Code. If a mayor is prohibited from hearing or determining a prosecution or cause that charges a person with a violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or with a violation of a municipal OVI ordinance as defined in section 4511.181 of the Revised Code due to the operation of division (C) of section 1905.03 of the Revised Code, or is prohibited from hearing or determining any other prosecution or cause due to the operation of division (C) of section 1905.031 of the Revised Code, the prohibition against the mayor hearing or determining the prosecution or cause does not affect and shall not be construed as affecting the jurisdiction or authority of a person appointed as a mayors court magistrate under this division to hear and determine the prosecution or cause in accordance with this section. In hearing and determining such prosecutions and causes, the magistrate has the same powers, duties, and authority as does a mayor who conducts a mayors court to hear and determine prosecutions and causes in general, including, but not limited to, the power and authority to decide the prosecution or cause, enter judgment, and impose sentence; the powers, duties, and authority granted to mayors of mayors courts by this chapter, in relation to the hearing and determination of prosecutions and causes in mayors courts; and the powers, duties, and authority granted to mayors of mayors courts by any other provision of the Revised Code, in relation to the hearing and determination of prosecutions and causes in mayors courts. A judgment entered and a sentence imposed by a mayors court magistrate do not have to be reviewed or approved by the mayor who appointed the magistrate, and have the same force and effect as if they had been entered or imposed by the mayor.
Municipal Court:
Gary W. Herman, Judge
Phone: 419-739-6780
Wapakoneta Office located in Courthouse - 2nd floor
- Traffic Arraignments held in Wapakoneta - 9 a.m., Wednesdays
- Criminal Arraignments held in Wapakoneta - 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays
- Traffic and Criminal Arraignments held in St Marys - 2 p.m., Wednesdays
- All other hearings are held in the Courthouse located in Wapakoneta.
To reach the Municipal Clerk of Courts, Municipal Court
Local Ordinances
Ohio Revised Code
Mayors Court Cost
The court costs in Cridersville Mayors Court for traffic cases shall be $50.00. This sum shall be distributed as follows:
$6.00 $10.00 $15.00 $9.00 $1.50 $5.00 $3.50 |
General fund of the Village of Cridersville Courts computerization fund ORC 1902.261B Treasurer of the State of Ohio ORC 2949.091 Treasurer of the State of Ohio ORC 2743.70 Treasurer of the State of Ohio HB562 Treasurer of the State of Ohio HB562 Treasurer of the State of Ohio HB562 |
In addition to the basic court costs above, the following additional costs shall be assessed and are payable to the villages general fund for each of the following unless ordered waived by the mayor or magistrate:
$5.00 $20.00 $10.00 $6.00 $25.00 $30.00 $50.00 |
Notices (Forfeiture Letters,Failure to Appear Letters,Certified Mail) License Forfeiture Service Fee Subpoenas Dishonored Checks Processing Transfers/Appeals Warrants |
*All fines (Bond Postings) include $44.00 that is required state reparations and fees